Friday, March 28, 2008

The Wiggles, Dr. visits etc.............

We had a great time at the Wiggles-Skeeter actually liked it too and sat thru the whole thing without getting cranky or needing a snack-WOW-this is a miracle-so you know he was having some fun-Aleaya LOVED it, she was so excited she could barely sit still in the car on the way there..........I had fun too, Matt said he didn't but he just doesn't want to look cheesy by telling everyone he liked it LOL-and you know I am here to tell you girls- Anthony from the Wiggles is FINE-he is very handsome and has a smile that lit up the WHOLE Tacoma Dome-Wow, talk about stage presence......

We went to the Dr. yesterday-really good time-NOT-poor little Skeeter got 5 shots-a ppd(TB test) and blood drawn-for a total of 7 pokes with a needle-the boy WAS not happy-for the first time in weeks-he pulled my hair-poor little guy finally starts to trust me and I take him to the Dr. He was so upset-fell asleep as soon as we got in the car from poor exhaustion- the trauma of it all-woke up as happy as ever and forgave me :) he is such a little trooper-he weighs 24 lbs-25% percentile for weight and is in the 90% for height!!! Isn't that strange??? I keep telling everyone how tiny he is but no one believes me because of his height-he is light as a feather-I took a stool sample in to check for Giardia-they said we needed to do it at home with the proper cup thingy-nice, so I carried poop around for no apparent reason at all-great!!!! oh well, we have the cup thingy now and will be carrying poop around again soon but in the proper container ;) We think Skeeter is allergic to tomatoes-which sucks-he LOVES them-he breaks out in big welts on his face-he poos about 4 times a day(more fun times) so he either does have Giardia or he does have some food allergies besides tomatoes that we need to look at-first things first -look for the bugs-then start from there-

Aleaya and Tyler are getting along better every day-he actually is the one sharing with her-he will bring out his trucks and cars and give her one-hopefully he can teach her a little about sharing, she is not used to sharing. lots of new things for my little girl too........


LucisMomma said...

we loved the Wiggles, too! Did Sam make an appearance in place of Greg? We saw them right before Greg announced that Sam would be a new Wiggle.

Also, hated the Giardia test. Yuck! Made me gag!

Anonymous said...


yes Sam was there instead of Greg-It was great-Did you know Dorothy ( the girl who plays Dorothy) and Sam are married? how cute!!

Yes, two more poop scoops and we are done-hopefully everything will turn out okay-

Anonymous said...

How on earth did I miss that the Wiggles came to the Tacoma Dome? I am really bummed. My little one adores them to pieces and would have LOVED to go. Darn, darn, darn!

Sounds like your family had a fun time!