Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Jet Lag,meltdowns, hair pulling

Boy this jet lag thing really sucks!! Poor Tyler can't figure out what time of day it is and if he should be sleeping or screaming at the top of his lungs-fun times-the first couple days were horrible with him up half the night-last night I decided to keep him up until 10:30 or 11 pm-so that he would sleep thru the night-he woke up once at 3 am for a diaper change and a bottle and promptly went back to sleep- until 9 am WOW,yipee, my idea worked!!! Until tonight that is, thought I would do the same thing and put him to sleep at 10 pm-he has cried and woke up at least once so far-but promptly went back to sleep after a diaper change-the night is young so we will see how it goes-

Aleaya has been having a few melt downs daily-she is a little jealous-to put it mildly-she has been a trooper though and doesn't fight back when the little munchkin pulls her hair-he is getting better and really I can't remember him pulling my hair once today-maybe I won't be bald before my next birthday-

on a happier note-I just love my little boy-he is so cool and I melt every morning just a little more every time I see his smiling face and his crazy morning hair......every morning he looks like he stuck his finger in a light socket- I think I need to take a picture of it just so you can see what a crack up it is..........My little guy is finally home where he belongs!!


LucisMomma said...

Your Skeeter is such a doll!

We've had the jealous thing at our house, too--but that's a part of sibling rivalry and aren't you glad you've got it!? :) Of course--Can't have rivalry with just one! Hope the jet lag ends soon!

Anonymous said...

things are getting better-but I do know this will go on for a very LONG time-they are only 15 months apart-he is such a boy and was acting like the WWF yesterday-so funny!!! I swear he was trying to body slam her.........in between his dancing gig....