Saturday, October 3, 2009

Friday, October 2, 2009

misc pictures

Time Flies

Wow, I can't believe how long it has been since I last posted. Summer is over and I didn't post one picture. I am a bad blogger.

So what has been going on?? Tyler turned 3 way back in May...looks like I didn't post any pictures. I will try to do that. He weighs a wopping 32 lbs now and wears a 3T. He has changed so much and is not such a stubborn little guy anymore and boy does he love his Momma. You don't know how happy I am about this one. I was afraid for awhile there, he hated me so much and was grieving so much for his foster family. So happy he loves me. He is the cutest little guy and is completely obsessed with trains. He carries around Thomas all day long and insists on wearing his Thomas PJ' s to bed almost every night. I broke down and bought him another pair of them since he loves them so much. I know, do you think he is spoiled???

Aleaya started preschool and loves it. She did barf on the first day on the ride home though. I think she was overly excited and nervous about being there. This little girl has barfed three times in three years so this was major. I asked her if she wanted to go back and got a resounded yes!! She told me "Mommy, maybe I just ate my snack to fast" She is so cute. I can't believe how fast she is growing up. She can spell some words now and knows how to spell her name. She spells, Mommy,Daddy,Tyler, Sami and J.R. and Oma. She even is able to write them all. She is a real smarty pants.

I promise I will post pictures soon.