Monday, March 10, 2008

Fisher price train

Tyler is so funny instead of pushing his Fisher Price train around or putting the blocks on it to make it go-he would rather ride it-guess I need to get the little guy a toy to ride on-he is so cute!!


Paula - Running Mom of 5 said...

Tyler is so cute! I really enjoyed meeting you guys in Guangzhou. I hope we can keep in touch!


ktwags said...

I'm finally catching up on your happenings and am so glad all went well and that the family is home and happy. So excited for you and your family and look forward to seeing and reading more of your adventures!
Take Care!

Anonymous said...

Paula, it was great finally meeting you and Ben..Hope we can keep in touch too!!!

Hi Katie,

thanks!! We have been blessed again with a wonderful baby boy!!how is Mea???
