Friday, March 28, 2008

The Wiggles, Dr. visits etc.............

We had a great time at the Wiggles-Skeeter actually liked it too and sat thru the whole thing without getting cranky or needing a snack-WOW-this is a miracle-so you know he was having some fun-Aleaya LOVED it, she was so excited she could barely sit still in the car on the way there..........I had fun too, Matt said he didn't but he just doesn't want to look cheesy by telling everyone he liked it LOL-and you know I am here to tell you girls- Anthony from the Wiggles is FINE-he is very handsome and has a smile that lit up the WHOLE Tacoma Dome-Wow, talk about stage presence......

We went to the Dr. yesterday-really good time-NOT-poor little Skeeter got 5 shots-a ppd(TB test) and blood drawn-for a total of 7 pokes with a needle-the boy WAS not happy-for the first time in weeks-he pulled my hair-poor little guy finally starts to trust me and I take him to the Dr. He was so upset-fell asleep as soon as we got in the car from poor exhaustion- the trauma of it all-woke up as happy as ever and forgave me :) he is such a little trooper-he weighs 24 lbs-25% percentile for weight and is in the 90% for height!!! Isn't that strange??? I keep telling everyone how tiny he is but no one believes me because of his height-he is light as a feather-I took a stool sample in to check for Giardia-they said we needed to do it at home with the proper cup thingy-nice, so I carried poop around for no apparent reason at all-great!!!! oh well, we have the cup thingy now and will be carrying poop around again soon but in the proper container ;) We think Skeeter is allergic to tomatoes-which sucks-he LOVES them-he breaks out in big welts on his face-he poos about 4 times a day(more fun times) so he either does have Giardia or he does have some food allergies besides tomatoes that we need to look at-first things first -look for the bugs-then start from there-

Aleaya and Tyler are getting along better every day-he actually is the one sharing with her-he will bring out his trucks and cars and give her one-hopefully he can teach her a little about sharing, she is not used to sharing. lots of new things for my little girl too........

Easter pics

here we go-finally a picture-they are actually both looking at the camera-
now who's not cooperating-so funny-

waiting patiently for my brother to cooperate for pics-

Aleaya showing Daddy her stuff!!

Tyler's Easter eggs he scored from the hunt-in the house (it was raining)

looking at what the Easter bunny brought!!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

bathtime,silliness and feet

Skeeter's feet-aren't they sweet??

He hates having his socks and shoes off so this is what he did after a few picture's of his feet-brought me his sock to put back on...very cute but not sure if this is helping the fungus by keeping it dark and moist(yucky) His Dr. said this is the bad fungus that is a bugger to get rid of so not sure what we can do...we are going to the ped. doc on Thursday and will see what she says.


and more silliness!!!!!

skeeter after his bath tonight...............

Friday, March 21, 2008


Today is Adoption day for is also the day we got the call one yr ago that we would be Scotty's was such a happy day, we had lots to celebrate!!! I'm thinking about my little Angel in heaven today and hope he knows I miss him and love him very much!!!

Tonight we are going to the Wiggles-Aleaya is so excited...........not sure how Tyler is going to react, I have been trying to prime him for it by listening to the wiggles tapes and singing along and putting in a few wiggle DVD's but he isn't really into watching t.v.(good news) he is to busy moving to slow down long enough to watch anything....................

Thursday, March 20, 2008

2 yrs ago today

Adoption day!!! still looking so sad!!

Gotcha day!!! here she is still in her gotcha day clothes and so very sad!!!

lots of smiles these days!!

2 yrs ago today Meng Yun Chun-soon to be Aleaya Jo-Chun Callahan was put into my waiting arms......she was in foster care and so very took days before she would finally smile at us!! I'm not sure what I did before she came into my life because it just seems like she has always been a part of me and our family!!! she is a blessing from God and I will cherish her I heard her say "I love you Skeet" music to my ears, so happy my little girl loves her new baby brother because I sure do!!! Happy "Gotcha day" Jo-Jo, you will always be Mommy's baby girl!!!!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Dr. Visit

We received good news at the Dr's office today..We went to see Dr. Mosca at Children's Hospital in Seattle...I have heard wonderful things about him and he was our first choice for Skeet's new ortho doc....He said that they did a good job with the Ponseti method in China and the only thing he needs is a new brace for now......he needs to wear his brace for 12 hours a day-which will be all night and for naps......I am so happy about this, we have been blessed once more..I have been really worried about him possibly needing more casting or having to wear his brace for more than just hours of sleep........because my little guy is a mover and I can't imagine what this would do to him to feel so confined in his waking hours.....we don't have to go back to see him for 3 more months.......good news!!!! They took pictures of his brace from China........the Dr. said the shoes for his brace from China are probably better because the leather is softer but the middle bar is much different and the angle is a little it was too small for him now...I'm happy about his new can put the shoes on and then the middle bar.........his ones from China needed to be put on with the bar.......really, really hard to do and instead of laces the shoes had buckles............ VERY tough to put this makes my life MUCH easier............and hopefully his too in the long run............

Sunday, March 16, 2008

update on Tyler!!

He definitely still likes getting his own way and will occasionally kick, scream and cry if you won't let him have what it is he wants...the good news is it doesn't last very long unless he is really tired and he is ready for a nap...he has stopped pulling my hair and will sometimes still pull and pick on his sister..but it is becoming less and less...this little guy can EAT...he loves fruit and vegetables more than anything, would rather eat veggies more than anything else..I'm excited about that...Aleaya only like peas....NOTHING else green better touch her plate...maybe she will eat an occasion carrot depending on the day...he hates cheese and macaroni and cheese,yogurt,potatoes unless they are in the form of a french fry...Skeeter NEVER stops...he is constantly moving and now I know why he is so skinny and so hungry all the time...he burns off everything he eats...and wants more within the hour-so Mommy better not leave the house without snacks or we are in trouble....We have ventured out lots of places and it has been good....I thought it would be so much harder with two and that I would be home a lot but it has been my new double out great...he is really sweet and loves his sister..every morning the first thing out of Aleayas mouth "is Skeeter up, Momma?" she so loves her little brother too.....

We have a Dr. appt with his ortho surgeon tomorrow, we will see what needs to be done with his feet other than the fact that he needs a new brace...I think maybe he will need some more casting done..and hopefully we can take care of his little toe fungy.....poor little guy!!!!

We feel very blessed to have this little one in our lives and it was a long and sad road to get to where we are today but soooooooo worth it.........I finally feel that our family is complete...with one angel in Heaven and 4 here on earth......thank you Jesus for blessing our family once again!!!


Monday, March 10, 2008

Fisher price train

Tyler is so funny instead of pushing his Fisher Price train around or putting the blocks on it to make it go-he would rather ride it-guess I need to get the little guy a toy to ride on-he is so cute!!

Aleaya is feeling better

Aleaya is feeling better-Skeeter is pulling her hair less and less and giving her hugs and kisses instead. We went to the mall today to sit on the Easter Bunny's lap-didn't think that Skeet would go for it but thought we would try-of course as soon as he saw that big furry bunny he started to cry-we did get a really cute picture of Aleaya that I will post later-

Friday, March 7, 2008

my poor little girl!!

For the first time ever-(yes, I really mean she has NEVER) barfed!!! I should have known she didn't feel good when she asked for oatmeal for lunch(her comfort food) and then she didn't eat anything for dinner-well, we left daddy at home with the Skeet and went to drop Sami off and pick up J.R. for the weekend...on the way home my little girl pucked three times-she has never gotten car sick or ever been sick other than an ear infection shortly after coming home from China almost 2 yrs ago!!! poor thing, I think we brought some bugs home with us since we have all been so sick-Matt still hasn't felt good since coming home-his belly is always upset!!! She is sleeping peacefully now but don't know how long this will last-she is so sweet after the third time of hurling(I pulled over twice to clean her up) she said in between her sobs "Momma, I need my hands washed and then we need to go buy new pants" awww, I thought my heart would break!!

she is such a trooper after getting bit, her hair pulled and scratched all day, and throwing up on the way home after her bath the first thing she wanted was her little Brut Skeeter!!!!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008


I'm asking myself why??? we live in a house with 4 levels-these stairs scare me and Skeet seems to think they are a blast!!!

Jet Lag,meltdowns, hair pulling

Boy this jet lag thing really sucks!! Poor Tyler can't figure out what time of day it is and if he should be sleeping or screaming at the top of his lungs-fun times-the first couple days were horrible with him up half the night-last night I decided to keep him up until 10:30 or 11 pm-so that he would sleep thru the night-he woke up once at 3 am for a diaper change and a bottle and promptly went back to sleep- until 9 am WOW,yipee, my idea worked!!! Until tonight that is, thought I would do the same thing and put him to sleep at 10 pm-he has cried and woke up at least once so far-but promptly went back to sleep after a diaper change-the night is young so we will see how it goes-

Aleaya has been having a few melt downs daily-she is a little jealous-to put it mildly-she has been a trooper though and doesn't fight back when the little munchkin pulls her hair-he is getting better and really I can't remember him pulling my hair once today-maybe I won't be bald before my next birthday-

on a happier note-I just love my little boy-he is so cool and I melt every morning just a little more every time I see his smiling face and his crazy morning hair......every morning he looks like he stuck his finger in a light socket- I think I need to take a picture of it just so you can see what a crack up it is..........My little guy is finally home where he belongs!!