Friday, January 18, 2008

Motherhood-this time around-

When I wasn't able to become pregnant we chose adoption rather than go through the heartache and pain of IVF etc.....We wanted a baby and we decided adoption was the best choice for our family. I was so nervous to become a mom-I felt like I didn't even know what to do, I spent hours in Aleayas bedroom folding and unfolding her clothes, nesting, listening to lullaby's, waiting and wondering about the day we finally were able to meet our little girl. When I finally held her in my arms for the first time I was so excited-but it still took me months to get used to being a Mom-sometime it felt awkward, I was unsure a lot, not sure what my little bundle of joy wanted or needed. She taught me so much in the last two years....She taught me to love her so deeply that I cant even imagine what my life was like without her in it.

This time around it feels different, the awkwardness is gone...I am so excited to just love on my little boy and hey, I know how to make a bottle and surely know how to change a diaper this time around-certainly, there will be things that will be new, but I am so ready this time around and not scared at all, thanks to my precious little girl who taught me how to love and how to become a mother.


Keri said...

There is nothing sweeter than hearing Mommy for the first time. I can't wait to see your little boy in your arms.


Riky said...

You are so right about that, My step-kids call me Riky, so the first time I heard Mommy it was from my sweet little Aleaya and Of course I cried.

ktwags said...

I'm with you sister. Amazing how tight we can feel with our adopted made me so teary, darn you! :)