Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Baby Yuan and Scotty

Last April when Scotty passed away Love without Boundaries and Stefani with CHI asked if we could have a memorial in Scotty's name so that donations could be made to help some of the urgent children. The night Scotty passed away Amy at LWB received a call about Hua or Flower who I have already talked about, she needed heart surgery. We also were told there were some other urgent babies who needed help. While looking at the list of children I couldn't help but notice a little guy who happened to be from the same orphanage as Scotty, he needed heart surgery. His name was baby Yuan, he needed to have urgent heart surgery and Matt and I felt that it was fitting to also include Yuan in the memorial for Scotty. I was so excited to hear that Baby Yuans surgery was successful and that he was doing great. I was even more excited to learn that he was soon to be on a list for adoption. The excitement grew when I heard that Yuan had found his Forever Family. AMAZINGLY once again, I have been blessed with the chance to meet Baby Yuan and his forever family. He is moving to Washington, WOW, about 30 minutes away from our house....WOW, can this be any more amazing? I hope to meet Yuan (soon to be Owen) and his family sometime in the spring when he comes home.

one more thing, I know that the pictures of our referrals pictures sometimes have the babies in the same chair and clothes etc.....................but look at little Scotty and Baby Yuan, they are wearing the same outfit and sitting in the same chair..........that is just so sweet.

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