Thursday, August 14, 2008

Tyler's baby pics

Here are some of the pictures we received from Skeets foster family. Isn't he adorable? We feel very blessed to have these and are so thankful for his foster family. I have more but didn't want anyone to O.D. on the cuteness :) so I will post more another day.


Keri said...

What a doll! You are so fortunate to have these pictures! What a lucky boy to have been loved by 2 such wonderful families.


Colleen said...

Awe, what wonderful pictures to treasure.

Heather said...

What an amazing gift for you all to have! And talk about cute!!

ellieshine said...

Hi Erika,

I just saw the link to your blog on the CHI site and was so excited to get a Skeeter update! I have OD'd on the cuteness :) but I can't wait to see the rest of the photos, how blessed are you to have those?!

I can't believe you have been home 6 months - but we've been home 5 already!

Everyone looks so happy, CONGRATULATIONS!

