Thursday, June 12, 2008

screaming fits and Dr. visits

Boy can my boy scream. Everywhere we go these days he throws at least one tantrum and screams and cries at the top of his lungs. It is awful! We went grocery shopping this morning and he did it again. Fun times!! I have now become one of those "moms" with the screaming kid in tow! When I was younger and heard a kid screaming in the store-my first thought was "what a brat" ha, this must be karma!

We have been trying the "time in" thing with him when we are at home and he throws one of his tantrums. He usually screams for at least 45 minutes-kicking and screaming-usually calling for Daddy-or telling me he wants to go "night night" of course I don't give in and tell him he can go "night night" when he stops screaming!! I'm sure the neighbors must thing we are beating him he has such a piercing scream. The last time we had time in he kept clapping his hands together and yelling "daddy" it was the funniest thing. Of course I didn't laugh out loud but I was laughing inside. Is it possible to be a control freak at 2? This boy thinks he should get whatever he wants when he wants it!!! Well, that isn't going to happen!!! Momma wears the pants in this tug-o-war....or at least she is trying to! Good thing the kid is so darn cute, and really sweet most of the time!!

We had our second appt. at the ortho doc. We go to Children's Hospital in Seattle and see Dr. Mosca. Everything is going great with his feet. We will continue to wear his braces for 12 hours a day and he doesn't have to go back for 4 months!! He said he has great movement in both feet and that they did a great job with the casting (ponseti method) in China!! we are so happy about this.

no pictures-my camera is on the fritz-which really sucks-time to buy a new one!!!

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