Sunday, May 25, 2008


Tyler has started talking a lot!!! Some of the new words he is saying are Thank you,truck,shoe,apple,baby,poo-poo,pee-pee,diaper,your welcome......he also will tell you "bless you" if you sneeze, it is the cutest thing!! I was in shock the first time I heard him say it, this little guy doesn't miss anything, Mommy needs to be careful what she says!!! I also need to be careful what I say around Aleaya-she went poo a couple of days ago and afterwards she asked if I could "come and wipe her ass" WOW, I need my mouth washed out with soap for that one!!!!

1 comment:

Paula - Running Mom of 5 said...

That is hilarious! My kids always tell everyone that mom says "Oh Shit" when she is don't feel bad!

Ben's Mom!