Thursday, February 14, 2008

We are here!!

We arrived in Beijing last night. I am not feeling to great, I hurled on the plane twice. I'm not sure if it is the flu or food poisining. Everyone went to the Great Wall today and on a rickshaw ride. I decided to stay at the hotel and recoup. We are going to a Chinese Acrobat show tonight so I am hoping to feel better. I will write more later.


Rebel said...

Glad you are there safe.... I sure hope you are feeling better in a very short time!!!!

Cheers, Rebel

Anonymous said...

Oh man Erika. I hope you were well enough for the show! We've been twice-and still haven't seen one!

So soon to Skeeter!!!!


ellieshine said...


I can't wait till you have Skeeter - and to see some photos of you with him :) I hope you are feeling better. BTW, Aleaya is gorgeous! I love your stories about her.
