Saturday, February 16, 2008

Made it to Guiyang

We arrived in Guiyang today without barfing-WHOOO HOO, feeling much better now. We are really tired and it is only 730 pm-we are scheduled to receive Skeeter at 3 pm tomorrow. I will write more later and post pictures-right now I am going to catch some much needed ZZZZ's...very thankful for Lisa's medicine cabinet that she brought along to China, I am feeling almost human again....


Michelle said...

Oh, I am so excited for you guys. I am also really happy that your feeling better! In just a few short hours you will be holding your son in your arms. What an amazing feeling! I can't wait to see all of the pictures and hear more about your journey1 Michelle

marcy said...

I am SO glad to hear you're feeling better! When Lisa gets back I will have to ask her what all she had in her medicine cabinet so that I'll be sure to pack what she did!
I am way beyond excited to hear about Skeeter. I can hardly wait. Thank you for letting me peek in on your journey!

Keri said...

I'm glad that you are feeling better! It is just a few hours till your boy is where he belongs! I'll be checking in frequently!!!!
