Saturday, October 3, 2009

Friday, October 2, 2009

misc pictures

Time Flies

Wow, I can't believe how long it has been since I last posted. Summer is over and I didn't post one picture. I am a bad blogger.

So what has been going on?? Tyler turned 3 way back in May...looks like I didn't post any pictures. I will try to do that. He weighs a wopping 32 lbs now and wears a 3T. He has changed so much and is not such a stubborn little guy anymore and boy does he love his Momma. You don't know how happy I am about this one. I was afraid for awhile there, he hated me so much and was grieving so much for his foster family. So happy he loves me. He is the cutest little guy and is completely obsessed with trains. He carries around Thomas all day long and insists on wearing his Thomas PJ' s to bed almost every night. I broke down and bought him another pair of them since he loves them so much. I know, do you think he is spoiled???

Aleaya started preschool and loves it. She did barf on the first day on the ride home though. I think she was overly excited and nervous about being there. This little girl has barfed three times in three years so this was major. I asked her if she wanted to go back and got a resounded yes!! She told me "Mommy, maybe I just ate my snack to fast" She is so cute. I can't believe how fast she is growing up. She can spell some words now and knows how to spell her name. She spells, Mommy,Daddy,Tyler, Sami and J.R. and Oma. She even is able to write them all. She is a real smarty pants.

I promise I will post pictures soon.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Monday, June 22, 2009

what is going on here??

I don't know what in the world happened to my pretty blog but this is crazy!! Does anyone have any idea how this could happen????

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Long time no see!!!

Wow, I can't believe how long it has been since I posted on the blog. We have had birthdays, gone on vacation to visit my Grandma in Pennsylvania, Sami graduated from High School, Tyler is potty training, we have had some fun in the sun with beautiful sunny days already in Washington, which is so unusual and still no updates. I have been a bad bad blogger. I promise to post pictures later and tell you all about everything that has been going on in the Callahan family.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Tyler's feet!!

We just had a Dr's appt. with the Ortho Doc today and he gave Tyler an A+. There are 4 areas they look at with Bilateral club feet and his feet are doing great in all areas. We don't have to see him again for 6 months and then again at age 4 when they will decide if he needs to have surgery or not. The Dr said he thinks Ty will just breeze right through these appointments and most likely won't need ANY surgery at all. I am so thankful for his foster parents who were diligent about putting on his braces every night and the wonderful job they did with the Ponseti method of casting while he was in China. Oh and he got some new braces too.....his little feet are growing. 1 more year of sleeping with these on. He is such a trooper, doesn't even cry when I put them on every night.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Thanks Amie!!

I just wanted to say thanks to Amie at for the wonderful gift of a blog makeover!! She is awesome and I so appreciate the wonderful gift. Amie is adopting the cute little boy that I was advocating for, he is one of my little boys in foster care at Shantou through LWB. I fell in love with this little guy and I knew the first time I talked to Amie she was meant to be his Mommy. Thankfully God had the same plan too and soon Samuel will be joining his big and wonderful family!! God is good!!

Happy Easter!!

I know this post is a little late but we have been a little under the weather at the Callahan house. Matt, Tyler and I came down with bronchitis and we didn't get to have our Easter egg hunt until a week after Easter. Luckily, my AMAZING never get sick daughter only barfed one day and got the sniffles but that was antibiotics needed for my super-immune system little girl!! She has been with us for 3 yrs and has only pucked twice. I consider myself VERY lucky on this one.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Gotcha Day Party

huggin cousin's. They don't get to see each other very often so they were pretty huggy this visit. So cute!! I think Tyler is almost cross-eyed in this picture he is so tired. Missed his nap and way toooo much sugar going on.

Piniata time!! YES more candy....

BTW, that isn't a Christmas tree anymore. My Mom decorated it with little bunnies and eggs for Easter.......It is really cute and she said she is going to keep it up all year round. What holiday is next?

Grubbin again on some cupcakes!!

Gotcha Day continued.........

We then went to our favorite Chinese Restaurant for lunch! Here is Aleaya sipping her tea. I don't know why my kids love to drink tea so much but it is amazing how much they can drink

Belated Gotcha Day pictures

We started off the day with Gotcha day pancakes!! Aleaya and Tyler loved them and amazingly they eat every bite! I would have had a belly ache.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Gotcha Day for my baby girl!

Three years ago today I met my baby girl for the first time. She was the cutest thing I had ever seen. She came walking into the room and right away I knew it was her. She had the chubbiest little cheeks and the cutest little dimples. It was hands down the best day of my life. It seems like she has been around forever, longer than three years and I can't imagine my life without my special little girl in it. We love you Jo Jo!

I will post pictures of the day later...........

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Gotcha Day photos!!

In every picture Aleaya has the "popeye" face going on!! So funny!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Gotcha Day!!

One year ago today Tyler was put into my arms. It was a bitter sweet moment since his foster parents were so very sad. I remember the sadness on his foster Mom's face that day and can't imagine the pain she must have felt, the pain she must still feel at certain times. Especially today!!

It was a rough start with the hair pulling,biting,temper tantrums, etc....but I wouldn't change a thing.....I think it made me a stronger person and I love my little boy so much. We went out to Chinese food tonight for dinner to celebrate and I swear he said "MMMMMM" at least 10 times during dinner. Poor little guy misses his Chinese food, maybe Mommy needs to learn to cook it.

He was so giggly tonight at bedtime it just made me laugh too. How could he be giggling while I am putting braces on his tiny feet??? Our little guy has come a long way.........Happy Gotcha Day Skeeter, We Love You!!!

will post pictures later!!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Aleaya's Birthday Party!!

She learned quick
look up kid, she is so funny!
Her new Dora bike
Singing Happy Birthday. Tyler helped her blow out the candles
Grampy lighting the candles for Aleaya
She is so happy!
Who loves Momma? I love this shirt :)
Tyler and Aleaya in front of Omma's Valentine tree!
Omma, Tyler and Aleaya!
Tyler and Mommy!
Sammy and Aleaya
She is so excited!!
Cake and Cupcakes! Yummy..

We had a great time at Aleaya's party. I can't believe she is 4 already. Wow!! My little baby is growing up so fast. She loved her Dora bike and learned how to ride it really quick. I was impressed. Tyler was pretty disappointed that he didn't get a Diego bike. poor guy cried, maybe for his birthday in May. We have a little tricycle he can ride now :)